Artist Resale Right (ARR)

Artist’s Resale Right (ARR) is a royalty generated on the sale price of original works of art that are sold on the secondary market and it applies to all artists who are UK or EEA citizens.

Artist’s Resale Right (ARR) is a royalty generated on the sale price of original works of art that are sold on the secondary market and it applies to all artists who are UK or EEA citizens.

You need to be registered with a collecting agency such as our sister company ACS to receive this additional royalty.

What is the Artist’s Resale Right (ARR)?

The Artist’s Resale Right, or droit de suite, entitles artists to a royalty payment every time a work of art is re-sold by an art market professional for a price which reaches or exceeds €1,000 or the sterling equivalent in the UK (this threshold changes throughout Europe, e.g. it is €3,000 in Ireland).

Who is ACS?

The Artists’ Collecting Society (ACS) is the only not-for-profit Community Interest Company dedicated to the collection of the Artist’s Resale Right (ARR), or droit de suite, and copyright on behalf of artists and artists’ estates in both the UK and the EEA.

ACS was set up by Harriet Bridgeman (founder of Bridgeman Images) in response to requests from artists, dealers, auction houses and galleries who recognised the need for a transparent, fair and professional collecting society that puts artists’ needs first. Harriet Bridgeman’s experience, knowledge and passion for art ensured ACS was created ‘for the love of art’.

ACS represents just under 1,500 artists and artists’ estates including painters, sculptors, photographers, designers, and artists working in glass and ceramics.

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