Bridgeman Artist



The main sources of inspiration behind my work are nature and landscape, macro and micro, scapes from those found in flowers up close to untouchable aerial landscapes. Observing nature, I isolate elements of interest, blowing up macro subjects into larger abstract worlds. My choice of media, and its role within the work, will vary depending on the look and feel of the subject matter. It is often experimental or chance-like as a result. Imagining worlds unknown, I assimilate mixed media with photography to realise micro worlds. The role of photography, and emphasis of light within it, serves to distance the subject and the viewer. The images can consequently appear flat, unfamiliar or unrelatable. Our existence within macro and micro worlds remind us that the two are not so far apart. The recognition of this, within our world, observed and unobserved, can only humble us. We really are but a spec in the eye of 'the bigger picture.'



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