Bridgeman Artist



PETER GRAHAM ROI was born in Glasgow in 1959. He attended the Glasgow School of Art, graduating in 1980. In 2000, Peter was elected to Full Membership of The Royal Institute of Oil Painters (R.O.I.). Peter has earned a reputation as one of Britain's most gifted and distinctive Modern Colourists. His work is often related to the Modern Scottish School, but Peter has a flamboyant style which is unique - detailed brush work combined with loose fluid strokes creating vibrant contrasts of pure colour, line and tone. The respect for Peter Graham's painting has seen his work included in the Royal Institute of Oil Painters and the Society of Marine Artists. A number of his major still life and marine paintings have been published in Germany and New York. Collections include The British Council, Nan Yang Academy of Fine Arts Singapore, Lord Morton of Shuna, Lord Max Rayne, Lady Graham (Edinburgh), Lady Nairn (Perth), Robbie Coltrane, Gaby Roslyn, The Western Baths Club, Glasgow, and North London Hospice. As his work develops his fascination with colour has taken the dominant role. In the winter months within his studio, he delved deeply into the still life genre, creating some of his most stunning compositions, again with colour the dominant theme but reflecting the heightened sense of atmosphere and passion that comes directly from painting in the beauty of the Mediterranean. Recently, successful exhibitions in London have allowed Peter to take on extra studio space and take his still life work to larger scale. Whilst working 'en plein air' Peter works the full day, which is unusual for an artist working from life. This gives the flow of paint a chance to become second nature and allows true instinctive marks to come through. His painting seems effortless and intuitive which is the key to his unique style, attempting subjects that other artists would shy away from. His sense of colour is instinctive and inexplicable to those who happen to see him working on location. 'Often because of my approach and choice of subject I attract on-lookers, which can be a hindrance but also a help as you can see what reaction you are getting to your work, a sort of instant criticism. Occasionally there is the persistent critic who has to share something with you, but generally people are very polite and understand the work is in progress and still developing.' All comes into focus when the paintings are presented as objects in their own right, when they can tell a story, create an atmosphere and reflect the artists self assured passion for his subject.



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