Bridgeman Artist



Founded in 1884, the Pitt Rivers Museum houses within an atmospheric building more than 500,000 objects, photographs and manuscripts from all over the world, and from all periods of human existence. Within these are exceptional objects of ritual significance, and objects made for tourists or trade. The Museum has consciously cultivated its characteristic layout: artefacts are arranged by type into a ‘democracy of things’, rather than by time or region. This reveals fascinating distinctions and parallels across cultures, and encourages questions about the ways in which humanity tackles problems, and creates, understands and embraces life across the world. The collections are of extraordinary range and depth, comprising objects of historical, social and ritual significance, a mixture of great works of art, technology, invention and design from around the world. The Museum is used for teaching learners of all ages and not just students at the University. Staff carry out world-leading conservation and research and we are known for our innovative public programmes and collaborative work with both local communities and those from where the collections originate.



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