Bridgeman Artist



Jasper Galloway studied at the Hereford School of Art before gaining a place at The Wimbledon School of Art, where his principal focus was theatre design. He then moved to New York to study for an MA in Art at the renowned Tisch School. Jasper's latest wave of success was cemented with an exhibition at the Nina Campbell showroom in Chelsea Harbour. It represented a new departure for him, as he exhibited a more modern and abstract collection. This was followed by his exhibition 'Sense of Place' at the Art Bastion Gallery in Miami, where he developed a more colourful layer on his new works. Jasper moved to Paris at the end of 2017, seeking renewed inspiration, he chose Montparnasse, the area of intellectual and artistic life in the French capital during the 1920's and 30's. His move to Paris has enabled him to stretch his legs and his paintings have more colour, thoughtful composition and texture.



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