Bridgeman Artist

Boyle, Alice


I have been working in Edinburgh for the past 7 years following a previous 6 years of exhibiting and living in London. I gained my Masters from Edinburgh College of Art then came up with and co-directed, the internationally acclaimed project, ‘The Graffiti Project’, at Kelburn Castle, Scotland. The artists urged me to focus solely on my artistic practice, which I have done since early 2008. I am inspired by the power of dreams, mythology and the collective unconscious. When I was read too when I was a child, the myths and stories made me feel connected to something much bigger than myself. It was a powerful feeling that lead me to the work of Carl Gustav Jung. Jung believed there were things in his dreams that came from somewhere beyond himself, ‘The Collective Unconscious’, which he claimed held the entire psychic heritage of mankind. I have always believed we can delve into this realm through, sleep, meditation, prayer, ritual and creativity. There will always be a story behind any painting created but the foundations of my practice and the reason I feel compelled to create is to bring an essence of the power of storytelling into every piece. I work with layers of plaster because this process and the artworks themselves then have a sense of the primitive, giving the feel of pictograms or petroglyphs in ancient caves. I make marks into the plaster with various utensils, forcing myself be spontaneous as the final layer of plaster dries rapidly. The medium dictates that I’m not too precious and allows me to let the piece take on its own life. I would like people to feel there is a joy and playfulness within my work and titles, which comes from enjoying the process.



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