Bridgeman Artist

Purzycka, Edyta


Edyta Purzycka – graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław (Poland). 1996 – diploma in graphic arts supervised by Professor Halina Pawlikowska, additionally: painting and photography. 1995 – 1996 – holder of a scholarship from the Minister of Art and Culture. Since 1997 – a member of the Association of Polish Artists (ZPAP). She uses several plate printing techniques: etching, aquatint, soft varnish. This allows experimenting in facture treatment and obtaining painting effects. Edyta created the graphic get – ups of the students’ monthly journal called „Maska”(The Mask), and also the artistic quarterly „Format”. She co – operate whit the „Rita Baum” literary and artistic periodical and whit the Publishing House for Schools (PWN). In January of 2000 she designed the scenery for the spectacle called Christmas –Eve, in Wrocław. In 2001 the „TIKKUN” Publishers edited a volume of poetry of Peter Gehrisch, the German poet, whit graphics of Edyta Purzycka. Exhibitions: 1996 – Głogów, the X Gallery 1996 – Wrocław, the Pod Plafonem Gallery 1996 – Wrocław, the Arsenal, diploma exhibition 1997 – Wrocław, the MPiK Gallery 1998 – Wrocław, the Horszowski Gallery (Paula Rettinger & Edyta Purzycka graphic arts exhibition) 1998 – International Biennale of Graphic Arts „Cuprum VIII” – prize from the Director of the State Gallery of Fine Arts in Legnica. 1998 – Kraków, the Podgórze Gallery of Ex libris 2000 – Legnica, State Gallery of Fine Arts 2001 – Wrocław, the Ogniwo Gallery 2001 – Warszawa, the Arka Gallery 2002 – Warszawa, the Między Nami café 2003 – Kraków, the Labirynt Gallery 2004 – Wrocław, the Pod Plafonem Gallery 2005 – Herxheim, the Villa Wieser, Weiblichkeit 2005 – Wrocław. the Salon Śląski 2007 – Wrocław, the Galeria M 2008 – Wrocław, the Galeria M Odwach 2009- Warszawa, the Gallery of Ex libris 2009 – Wrocław, the Salon Śląski 2009 – Warszawa, the Sopocki Dom Aukcyjny 2010 – Sokołowsko, the EOSI 2011 – Wrocław, the Galeria M 2013 – Wrocław, the Galeria M 2014 – Wrocław, the Pod Plafonem Gallery 2014 – Schifferstadt, the Das Rathaus 2014 – Szczecin, the Fanaberia 2017- Wrocław, the Galeria pod Plafonem in Dolnośląska Biblioteka Publiczna 2018 – Wrocław, Pałac Królewski



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