Bridgeman Artist



Heinz Zinram, born 11th May 1910 in Vienna, Austria, was a lawyer who escaped Nazi Vienna and arrived in London in 1939. He and many other Austrians, Germans and Italians were sent away from the UK as enemy aliens, he was sent to be interned in Australia, some survived their journeys, many didn't as the boats were torpedoed. He was allowed to return in 1942 and became a photographer using his 35ml Leica and a bicycle. He started with children and Bar Mitzvahs, and then graduated to industrial photography, doing much work for many years for London Transport and British Rail. He travelled in Europe for Time Life magazines, famously covering the new Marc Chagall ceiling at the Paris Opera House in 1964, and leaving his keys in a Box, so they had to re-open the Opera House so he could find them. He worked for many major companies over the decades including the Post Office (now BT), The Mirror Group and Wedgewood. He was ahead of his time, innovative and loved a challenge, he also had an unerring eye for composition.



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